Jonathan Goins: Juliet Street or Provine Street?

Councilman Charles F. Smith accuses his challenger, Attorney Jonathan Goins, of living somewhere that is not in District 3 for which Smith represents.

Apparently, on Monday, July 21, Smith’s attorneys, a photographer and an expert witness, inspected Goins Provine Street home to determine whether or not the large appliances used an amount of electricty that would suggest someone lived more in the apartment or somewhere else. The expert witness was Alexandria’s superintendent of electricity.

Jonathan Goins acknowledges that he does have two residences, one at 5445 Provine St., and the other at 3327 Juliet St., which he claims is his primary residence.

Apparently, Smith’s team has video showing Goins’comings and goins from both residences.

Judge Swent is hearing the case.

Stay tuned.

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